Norway is calling! Our Jurismus Congress on 15-18 June will lead us to the beautiful cities of Oslo and Drammen. This year's congress title is "Lawyers of Tomorrow - enlightened by the midnight sun", and our working sessions will be about digital arbitration as well as international communication and dispute resolution.
Of course we do have an excellent supporting programme lined up for our young professionals which has been worked out by a great team of Jurismussers all over Norway:
Please do encourage your young colleagues to attend this great networking opportunity. We invite everyone aged 40 or under to join us at the congress. Also, Follow us on Linkedin - we will introduce all events highlights in the coming weeks.
On a side note: Due to new tax regulations in Europe we have to add the VAT to our congress fee, hence the slightly higher amount. This can of course be reclaimed and will be refunded by your tax authorities. If you have any questions about this, do let us know.
Hjertelig velkommen in Norway in June!